Friday, August 12, 2011

Norman Rockwell

I tried something new for this digital painting. For my main reference I chose a black and white photo, and didn't use any color references. I always create my own color palette but in this case I didn't want to have other images influencing me in any one direction. I also did my best to stick to only those colors throughout the entire painting. I have gotten quite comfortable with painting b/w or monochromatic value paintings, probably to the point of it being a crutch. I think it is due to my limited traditional painting experience/mixing colors that intimidates me from starting a painting with a wider range of colors(this is still a limited palette, but a step in that direction). Moving forward I am going to try and be less uptight about color from the get go. Best way to learn is by doing...


Toby Kinread said...

Excellent work, the colours look great!

misterponce said...

very very nice, i am french donc!...merveilleux et enchanteur site! me permets de mettre le lien de ce site sur le mien... a bientot sur wittygraphy

Mike Eppe said...

Very nice work with great colors !

Adam said...

Your stuff is great!